
Importance Of The Bill Of Rights

Decent Essays

The first ten amendments are called the "Bill of Rights" they include the many freedoms people have fought for to live in peace and without as many restrictions in their life. Passed by Congress September 25, 1789 and later ratified in December 15, 1791. The first ten amendments are solely based on basic freedoms. Varying from speech, trial by jury, and living without soldiers in their own homes. Written by the great James Madison, he wrote after states were pushing for the protection of individual freedoms. But Madison had an influencer when writing the paper, taking off of The Virginia Declaration of Rights. The first ten amendments would be the building blocks on limiting government powers. The Bill of Rights gives Americans protection …show more content…

These examples are only a few of the many rights to liberty, equality, and justice highlighted in the Constitution and Bill of Rights that Americans claim as their heritage.
The American concept of a bill of rights can be traced all the way to England. In the Magna Carta of 1215 and the English Bill of Rights of 1689, the British government ceded basic rights to some of its citizens and, in so doing, restricted its own power to write and enforce laws . The Magna Carta came about under the rule of England’s 1167-1216 King John. When the despised and politically feeble King John began to tax England’s barons, they led a military revolt against him . He swiftly surrendered and agreed to sign a document giving up some basic rights to free men and limiting his authority to make laws. Although the Magna Carta did not guarantee the sort of basic rights that are associated with our basic rights today, it established a basic code of criminal justice and made the kind subject to his barons on some matters, such as tax law. More sweeping was the English Bill of Rights in 1689, which came about following the Glorious Revolution of 1688 . King James II, was a Roman Catholic king when Roman Catholicism was both unpopular and restricted by law in England. Due to his pro-catholic policies and his disregard for Parliament, James was deposed following a bloodless coup .

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