
Importance Of The Executive Branch Of Government

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The executive branch of government in the United States is the one that affects people. The executive branch allows for one person with the help of the agencies they oversee, to make rapid decisions that can help people. The executive branch is more than the President of the United States or the Governor of a state it’s the agencies and staff that help them in making informed decisions, like managing the economy.
Unlike the Legislative or Judicial branch of government, the executive branch is in charge of implementing the law and issuing regulations. On the federal level the executive branch includes some of the most important departments for Health and Human services, Treasury, Homeland Security, and Commerce. At the federal level the …show more content…

Although governors have many roles and responsibilities in common, the scope of gubernatorial power varies from state to state in accordance with state constitutions, legislation, and tradition, and governors often are ranked by political historians and other observers of state politics according to the number and extent of their powers. Ranking factors may include the following.
Unlike the Legislative branch where lawmakers have to come together in order to make decisions, the executive branch is capable of making fast and decisive decisions. The legislative branch lacks the tools to enforce the laws that it passes, it relies on the executive branch in order to have laws enacted. The executive branch from time to time has decided not to enforce laws passed by the legislature, for instance the Obama administration chose not to enforce the federal law banning marijuana in states that have legalized. The Obama administration also chose not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act when it was challenged in the Supreme Court, because they thought it violated a citizen’s fundamental right to marry whomever they wanted. The executive branch is able to remedy mistakes that have been made, especially in its own departments. In the state of Maryland, the department of education, which is under the executive branch conducted an audit of the Prince George’s

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