
Improving The Performance Of Rapid Re Housing Programs And Lower The Rate Of Individuals / Families Essay

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Alternative 3 - Home to Stay One way D.C. can enhance the performance of Rapid Re-Housing programs and lower the rate of individuals/families returning back to homelessness is to emulate the model that NYC has been following for the past few years. A few years ago NYC launched the Home to Stay program (Bornstein, 2014). Home to Stay is a partnership between New York’s Department of Homeless Services and four other organizations committed to fighting homelessness (Bornstein, 2014). Home to Stay uses an evidence-based protocol known as Family Critical Time Intervention which is intended to motivate individuals and heads of families over nine months to take an advantage of support services, such as addiction and mental health counseling, conflict mediation, and improvement of job prospects (Bornstein, 2014). The program follows an extensive and rigorous screening procedure in order identify and select the most vulnerable and needy homeless individuals and families who must have access to the supportive services the program provides (Bornstein, 2014). Though Home to Stay does not target the homelessness population as a whole, program expansion is a future possibility. While there is no concrete data that measures the performance of Home to Stay, testimonies from individuals and families that participated in the program indicate that there is a promising future (Bornstein, 2014). Individuals and families that were previously homeless believe that Home to Stay is a

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