
Compare And Contrast Classical Hollywood

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In classical Hollywood cinema, most films are voyeuristic in nature. This paper examines two films that explain the main characters’ relationships but in styles that contrast classical cinema. The two films analyzed have some similarities but primarily are different than what most American audiences are accustomed to seeing. Annie Hall is a romantic comedy from the United States that explores sexual relationships. The movie is focused on the relationship between two main characters -Alvy Singer played by Woody Allen and Annie Hall played by Diane Keaton. They had a tumultuous relationship that had many highs and lows that lasted for years. However, due to their different personalities and views on life, they finally break up and live their …show more content…

Alvy was married twice before he met Annie. He never clearly states why his two previous relationships did not work out, but viewers can still make educated guesses based on the plot. It could be because of Alvy 's neuroticism characteristic and how each have different expectations on what a relationship is. Alvy and Annie were sweet, kind, and passionate at the beginning of their relationship. However, after a while things changed. They eventually had sexual problems which lead to Alvy thinking that Annie did not have intercourse with him wholeheartedly. Like real relationships, Alvy and Annie were starting to have different views on how to live their lives and where they see their futures. Annie thought Alvy did not try to understand what she was going through and he was to selfish. An example of this would be when Annie was in a cranky mood because she overslept, but Alvy just thought that she was angry because she was on her menstrual cycle. Moreover, Alvy was not a big supporter of marriage and commitment, this made Annie upset and made her rethink their relationship and if she wanted to be with that type of person. Their many differences caused their relationship to become a problem for both parties. There are multiple scenes where it is from their perspective but they are not in the frame. For instance, when they walk across the beach and the audience only hears Alvy’s and Annie’s voices in the background.

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