
In-Depth Analysis Of A Sniper

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How They killed their victims / How they found/took/killed victims / Details regarding Killer technique / How bodies were found A sniper nest out of the trunk of John Allen Muhammad car. John and Malvo worked as team in the shooting with one man firing the rifle while the other watched the victims. Although the victims were random, the type of victims John allen muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo wanted were specific. They often targeted people doing simple, everyday tasks, such as pumping their gas or leaving a store. Most of their victims were shot pumping gas at the gas station which led to gas stations putting up tarps in attempt to protect the customers from being revealed. In Malvo testimony he explains who the victims were suppose to be according to 3 phases. /\(This part plays onto the next part) “Phase one consisted of meticulously planning, mapping, and practicing their locations around …show more content…

\/(This part plays onto the next part) Their vehicle was modified so that a sniper could shoot from inside the trunk. The back seat was modified where it would allow a person access to the trunk. Once they were inside the trunk the sniper could lie down with the shots taken from a small hole near the license plate created discreet shooting. They used a Bushmaster XM-15 semiautomatic Rifle which was capable of shooting up to 300 feet. Prosecutors believed the rampage was part of a plot to kill his ex-wife and regain custody of his children, but the judge ruled that there was not enough evidence to support this argument Bodies were found where they were shoot. There were no attempts to hide to my knowledge because like mentioned before his motive was to make it seem like a serial killer killed his wife instead of him the “estranged”

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