
In Henrik Ibsen’S A “A Doll’S House”,The Name Is Pervasive

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In Henrik Ibsen’s A “A Doll’s House”,the name is pervasive throughout the entire play. The reader is given the perspective of viewing a doll’s house. Nora Helmer lives’ the life of a doll, vapid and uncaring actions dictate by the whims of those around her; using her like a doll. Nearly every character in the play acts the part of a doll, conforming to societal norms and bending to the will of those around them. It serves to show how society in the time frame often compelled people to use one another as dolls in eachothers own personal dollhouses.

Until she changes, Nora is quite whimsical and rather childlike.Her first acts on stage involve paying delivery boy. Though he only requires 50 in payment, she gives him a hundred.Despite an …show more content…

An important aspect of her dream world is the lack of her recognizing cause and effect. Nora’s lackluster approach is prominent in many places through the story. An example of such being her disregard towards others, for example when she blames Mrs. Linden for her macaroons. Though she is just trying to hide the misdemeanor she cares not for who she hurts along the way. Another example of her dream world is her acquiring of material possessions. Nora constantly attempts to fulfill herself by buying things: candy, dresses, toys etc., rather than accomplishing anything of meaning . She has never used her time to be with her husband in their near decade long marriage. She constantly dumps her children on a nurse instead of bonding with them herself. Although this may have been common practice at the time, it serves to express her lack of care.

In this dream world, Nora rides back seat in her own life. She becomes but an object. She reacts to other’s expectations instead of working for herself. In consequence to her passive nature, Torvald is incredibly possessive of Nora, often adding the word “my” to his pet names. Once, Torvald refers to her as “his dearest property”; Mrs. Linden states that she will save Nora “at any price”, as though Nora was able to be sold and bought. Despite her infatuation with acquiring things, Nora is but a possession herself.

Whenever Torvald enters the stage she took on a

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