
Essay about Nora’s Character Development in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

Decent Essays

Nora’s Character Development in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House Ibsen’s character Nora in A Doll’s House, shows gradual development throughout the play to support his theme that above all else, you are human; even in marriage both parties should be given the equal opportunities, rights and respect. While Nora may at first seem happy with her life inside her “doll house”, she begins to recognize that she must find herself, and stop being a toy in the lives of men. Nora’s growth could be described as a subtle process. It is not until the end of the play that she even decides to leave and seek out the life experience she needs to develop her own thoughts, ideas and actions. However, there are definitely many small instances within the …show more content…

Also in Act II, Nora begins to question the law. When Krogstad comes to Nora, they speak of why she used the money. Nora says, “Hasn’t a daughter the right to shield her father from worry and anxiety when he’s old and dying? Hasn’t a wife the right to save her husband’s life? I don’t know much about the law, but there must be something somewhere that says that such things are allowed”(2,1). Nora doesn’t seem to question much, but her concern that she could not sign for a loan to take care of her family as a man could shows that she is now questioning the rights of a woman. Much of Nora’s change and growth is shown in Act III. As the party begins to die down, Torvald takes Nora and tells her how he feels towards her. Helmer: I say, it’s nice to get back to one’s home again, and be all alone with you. Upon my word, you’re a distractingly beautiful young woman. 2 Nora: Don’t look at me that way, Torvald! Helmer: What, not look at my most treasured possession? At all this wonderful beauty that’s mine, mine alone, all mine. Nora: You mustn’t talk to me like that tonight. (3.1) Nora begins to take offence to the words of Torvald. He refers to her as his most “prized possession”, and continues to say that he often imagines her as though she is his mistress, and she is a temptress. Nora continues to get offended, telling Torvald she doesn’t want any of this. Nora begins

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