
In Me The Tiger'sniffs The Rose Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

In me the tiger sniffs the rose.

This article, consider the entire story of pi as a big test, the main character pi is placed in a life or death situation which tests his faith and morality, the story is about choice and decision making, pi was forced to give up his morality in order to survive.
The life of pi has an open ending, there are two stories, which one real depends on what the readers thinks, the whole story is about the conflict between the id and the superego, and pi is the ego trying to take a balance both id and superego or pick one of them. But the article argued that pi is just using a defense mechanism call “ Repression”, the first story is just pi’s imagination, it's a big metaphor, pi use this defense mechanism in order …show more content…

Life is about people’s perception, what they believe and what their choice is. We often face many choices in daily life, and there is no right or wrong, because it is all based on point of view, but morality and humanity are the line separating ‘dark’ and ‘light’. Real life cases might not as straight as the case in the norvel, it could cheating on your loved ones or one of your tests, connected to the norvel is we usually have to make a choice too, it's all about the conflict between id, ego and superego. There is story i hear from one of my teachers about one of her students. It was in a math test, one of her student is cheating, she know she should call him out and give him a zero, but didn’t end up doing that, instead of calling him out, she pretend she didn't know about it , and tell him that he did well on his test, he should continue with the good work.
The student was shock, in the end he tell her the truth and promise he won't do it again. Maybe for the teachers the best choice was call him out , but that’s not the best thing for students, sometimes right and wrong just depend on perception and point of

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