
In Praise Of Not Knowing By Tim Kreker Summary

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Are you at an age where you can remember a time before the internet, where you would have to search through stacks of books or encyclopedias to find the information that you want? Some of you may be thinking “Yes, thank god for google!” and others may be thinking “Oh, the horror! I can’t imagine surviving without it!”. But there are the few that reminisce about the time when you couldn’t find whatever information you were looking for in a matter of minutes. Unlike many, Tim Kreider looks back on the times before the internet with fondness, and thinks that our easy access to information has had some negative side effects. While Kreider raises some interesting and valid points in his article, “In Praise of Not Knowing” there are still some …show more content…

Once one question is finally answered it can raise more like you often see in mystery novels. If someone got bored of something just because they learned the explanation for it then that shows they were never really interested to begin with. If someone is truly interested in a topic looking it up could not only answer some of their questions it could make them like it even more and improve their interest in it. In addition if someone is curious about something but wants to keep that curiosity to maintain that. Just because everyone has access to the internet doesn't mean everyone uses it.

The other issue with Kreider’s argument is that it seems to promote ignorance. We’ve been taught that knowledge is power and the internet is all the knowledge people have accumulated over the years. The fact that we have access to gives us the ability to become better and smarter and improve ourselves. We can find many helpful and important tips that could help you with life and other things you might experience. If you’re also unsure about something you were sharing with someone you could confirm if you were actually correct or not and not just guess. If we didn’t have the internet and weren’t able to access information everyone would be relying on conjecture instead of actual facts. When people are interested in an event, time, or person and talk about it with others, others might disagree on what actually happened you can easily figure out what is true and what is not.


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