
In Scott Fitzgerald’S Novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby

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In Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is introduced as a newly prosperous man in hope to rekindle an old flame with his past love Daisy Buchanan. Despite the fact that Daisy has organized a life without Gatsby, a mother of a daughter also married to Tom Buchanan, Gatsby continues to attempt to revive their previous connection for one another. Gatsby completely alters his lifestyle by devoting every minute to expanding his wealth to gain Daisy’s satisfaction. Eventually Gatsby purchases a mansion in West Egg of Long Island, coincidentally right across the bay from Daisy and her family. Gatsby throws ostentatious parties weekly to lure Daisy into crossing paths with him once again. Immediately after meeting Daisy, he …show more content…

(9 Fitzgerald) It has become clear to why Gatsby is capitated by her, he is so infatuated that he devises this meaning to Daisy. Gatsby then falls more deeply in love with his idea of her, rather than the real Daisy. Critic W. J. Harvey states that “Gatsby “is not the simple antithesis of Tom and Daisy; he is implicated in their kind of corruption too, and his dreams is proved hollow not only by the inadequacy of the actual correlative—that is, Daisy—to the hunger of his aspiring imagination, but also by the means he uses to build up the gaudy fabric of his vision.” (Harvey) Harvey explains that Gatsby has imagined this character he aspires to become, he has invested himself in this character and “love” for Daisy that was in actuality just a figment of his imagination. There is no question doubting Gatsby fondness for Daisy, from the day they met to his bleak death. After denied into Daisy’s artificial world “he left, feeling that if he had searched harder, he might have found her—that he was leaving her behind.” (160 Fitzgerald). Gatsby’s love for Daisy is so great, but it cannot break the disparity between the two. Gatsby will always be defined as new money; new money will never be accepted by Daisy. Through the use of Mutschler 3 parallelism, Fitzgerald writes that “there were the same people, or at least the same sort of people, the same profusion of champagne,

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