
In The Color Purple Essay

Decent Essays

IN the color purple by alice walker.The movie is about how people change from beating people to respecting people, from people not standing up for them self to standing up for their self. And how people go for everybody being afraid of them to where everybody like them. I think it a good movie because it shows how people change. Characters like sophie ,Celie, and mr Albert are the people who changed the most to me. Celie was a little girl who lived with her step dad and mom and sister named nattia. Mr Albert wanted to marry nattia but her step dad wouldn’t let him so he offered celie to her and Albert needed and woman to take care of his kids and the farm and to cook for him.Celie would get beat by albert for talking back to him or not doing what he wanted her to do.If she didn't have dinner ready by the time he said she was in trouble. Albert found another woman named sugar that he liked forma long time but couldn't have her so when he could have her he took advantage of …show more content…

Sophia would beat up on hopo and hopo would up on her and then she would beat up on him and then they quit fighting and sophia left hopo and moved on in life with her kids. Sophia and her kids were doing good and then they were in town and the mayor's wife asked if she wanted to go work for him and she said “HELL NO!”. The mayor came over and sophia what she said and she said the same things and the mayor was saying you can’t talk to my wife like that and then she hit him and she got knocked out by the end of a gun to the head. Later when she woke up she was in prison and she was in prison for 8 years and then she was realised to become a servant. She was a servant for the mayor's wife after all and had to teach her how to drive. The mayor's wife told sophie that she could go home for christmas for a whole day and turned out that she got to stay for 15 minutes and then she had to

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