
In Vitro Fertilization: Annotated Bibliography

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Bavister, Barry D. 2002. “Early history of in vitro fertilization.” The Journal of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility 124:181. Retrieved October 24, 2015 (
Firuleasa, Ingrid-Laura, MD, PhDrs, Florescu, Silvia MD, researcher dgr. III, PhD in medicine Moldovan,Mona MD, researcher dgr. II, PhDrs, 2010“Ethical Dilemmas of Intra-vitro Fertilization”. Management in Health.14:2 Retrieved November 5, 2015 (
“Fast Facts About Infertility”2015.The National Infertility Association. Retrieved October 28, 2015 (
“In Vitro fertilization” 2014. –NIH_U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved November 3, 2015 ( …show more content…

Retrieved November 3, 2015
“In-Vitro Fertilization Raises Custody Rights and Family Law Questions” 2012, Law Firm Legal News Center Retrieved November 5, 2015

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