
In a Dark Time by Theodore Roethke

Decent Essays

“In a Dark time” by Theodore Roethke gives a retrospect into the inner turmoil’s of finding oneself through a haze of doubts in till reaching a moment of clarity. Each section of the poem describes a different emotion, or inner thought that spirals from fear of death, to emotions of desire. The use of imagery between nature and uncertainties of the narrator give a glimpse into Roethke’s own mind during the time he wrote this poem. Without hundreds of pages Roethke created a poem that connects readers to their own self-doubts and struggles of finding ones way again.
Instead of writing hundreds of pages Roethke manages to fit a wide range of emotions into a more creative form by minimizing it into a poem. Each section of the poem is creating a leap to the next set of ideas running through the narrators head from confusion to reaching clarity. The first stanza introduces the dark setting and emotions that the narrator is in. From the following pieces of description “the echoing wood”, “weeping to a tree”, “Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den” form the image of a man wandering outside alone. Roethke also gives insight to the individuals inner turmoil he’s begging to face, gathered from the following phrases “I meet my shadow in the deepening shade” and “I hear my echo”. The title “In a Dark Time” collaborates most with the first stanza to set the clear tone that this man is going through a dark moment. Most of the inner battle faced by the

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