
Incarceration In Prisons

Decent Essays

Prisons have become asylums. There are ten times as many prisoners receiving help than there are patients in psychiatrist. It has become a simpler or only way for some to obtain help; to self-medicate and land in prison. Getting help in communities around the nation is becoming difficult Therefore, a large portion of inmates are being left untreated and have found their ways onto the prison system. Because Prisons are unequipped many are left with no psychiatry help or with only medication to hand out. Prison officials are mostly untrained for these individuals and treat them alike others unknowingly inflicting more damage to the individuals, others try their best to provide treatment but understand that the prison cycle is difficult to get …show more content…

In the Chicago community their choice was made and now the Cook County jail is the leading mental health provider in America and it became so due to the closings of many health providers in the area. It is sad to understand going to jail will grant you more medical help than your own community. Only investing in our communities can stop these unneeded convictions that could of so easily been prevented. On the other hand there are some courts called the mental health court that rather than sentence people to jail try to help them and bring them to their feet in order to make them function well enough to make them feel confident enough to go back into society and not get sentenced. Unfortunately arrests happen and there are cases where police are not trained to understand they are dealing with someone with a mental illness and use deadly force. Fortunately Crisis Intervention Training is now more relevant all around the u.s granting training to police officers so they can speak and act correctly when there is a call about someone not in a stable condition. This will help everyone with a mental disability feel safe when dealing with the police or have to fear them. This training can help prevent deaths all around the

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