
Increasing Price Discrimination In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Individuals encounter price discriminations on an almost daily basis, whether realizing it or not. Considering that many fast food chains off discounts to seniors, one could possibly pay the regular price and not even think of the possibility of a discount. Price discrimination can be described as identical services or goods being sold at different prices by one single provider (Sexton, 2013). Therefore, each time a person shops at Goodwill, he or she has the opportunity of a reduced cost providing stipulations are met such as being a student, senior, or military. In order to meet the qualification of price discrimination, three points are provided. First, the organization must provide a good or service that is not offered by other organizations, establishing a monopoly. Secondly, the elasticities of demand have to be prevalent, and, and thirdly, stipulations have to be enforced in order to prevent reselling of the product or service for a profit.
Considering the price differences encountered by parking garages, price discrimination can be established by examining the price differences between long term parking and short term parking. Parking garages often provide a menu of price differences for different frames of time, such as two hours, four hours, eight hours, or even overnight (Lin & Wang, 2015). …show more content…

The realization of having to pay fifty dollars for a parking space in a garage that normally charged fifteen dollars was frustrating. However, during the event, the fifty-dollar parking seemed to be norm, and garage filled quickly, therefore establishing the elasticity of the demand curve. In addition, a space in the parking garage could not be purchased in advance at the lower price in order to utilize the space at a later date when prices were increased. Therefore, the current price being charged is what one would pay upon entering the

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