
Indentured Servitude In 18th Century America

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The system of involuntary labor in 18th century America came in two forms of indentured servitude and slavery. Since the arrival of European colonialist in the 1700s, these forms of labor were exercised, though indentured servitude was the precursor. Indentured servitude, utilized by both African and European laborers who made the trek across the Atlantic ocean. Accounts of a European servant in The Experience of Bondage: Gottlieb Mittelberger’s Account, describing the sailing conditions, partly similar to that of slaves and the process on arrival to the colony. The difference between slavery and indentured service came to terms when the system of race-based slavery came into practice, known as the terrible transformation. An indentured servant had an agreement with a set amount of years to work, where as after, he is free. Slavery, however, became a permanent laborer, and other measures of heredity, and no wages added to the clause. And as more servants were being freed, and the rising tobacco industry now blossoming, the need for slaves grew. These forms of involuntary servants are often met with resistance, some harsher than others. One of the most common forms of resistance was running away. In “The Have-Nots in Colonial Society,” chapter’s title, Wanted: Runaway Servants and Wanted: Runaway Slaves, showcase numerous advertisements in the colony of Virginia and North Carolina, requesting the return of their “properties.” These advertisements are overtly descriptive, to the clothes they wore and the outlandish remarks about scars they’ve received from punishments. …show more content…

Both indentured servants and slavery experience similar consequences if they were captured, but often than not, slaves were punished or prized more because a servant will one day be free but a slave is a property

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