
Independence Of Women In The 1920's

Decent Essays

The 1920’s was a very significant era in American history. In 1918 the war was just over and many Americans wanted everything to return to the way it was before. However the economy struggled and people didn’t have jobs. In the year 1919 there was chaos everywhere with strikes, race riots, and the Red Scare. Until in 1920 when Warren G. Harding won the presidential campaign and became the U.S President. Harding was a U.S senator from Ohio; he provided a great amount of support in helping America rise into prosperity. President Haring believed in less government regulation over business and lowering taxes. Congress on the other hand wanted to protect the home market for American labor, agriculture, and industry. In 1922 both Congress and Harding …show more content…

It shaped America into what it is today. This period of time was known and called the Roaring 20’s. Right after the war great changes occurred. America was becoming a peacetime economy. Women were finally allowed to vote when the 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution and new lifestyles developed unconsciously. To begin with women in the 1920’s had more freedom than ever before. They did many things that men did, for example like playing sports, attending college, and getting a job. New opportunities for women opened up. As a result the growing independence of women clashed with traditional society. At any rate, women’s rights were not the only change during the Roaring 20’s. Lifestyles were modified as the times changed. New home appliances were invented like the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the lamp, and the refrigerator. These new inventions made life easier and it showed the instantaneous development of modern technology. Women had new fashion trends; the most familiar type of fashion was a young woman with short bobbed hair, makeup, stockings, and a short skirt. These types of women were called flappers or vamps. They were eager to try new things that they have never experienced before and rebelled against others discrimination. Most flappers smoked and drank at parties very often unlike in the past when young women were stuck at home learning manners and doing housework. The independent attitudes of …show more content…

This was because the cities meant business, a place where people got social and political. Americans started attaining jobs in big cities after the rapid growth of the economy in 1920.The successful new industries had their consumer products on demand nationwide. One of the most popular industries was the transportation industry. Henry Ford sold his Model T cars very well and made billions of dollars off of it. They were affordable and admirable. Cars in the 1920’s symbolized freedom, ingenuity, and prosperity, so many people wanted one. Although architecture was also a new form of nobility, it showed the power that the person holds owning such a big amount of property. Skyscrapers were one of the most common housing for the wealthy folks during the Roaring 20’s. It mainly symbolized the beginning of modern construction. Nevertheless the Roaring 20’s was the birth of mass culture. Since many Americans were making lots money from their jobs they had more time and money to spend. Therefore entertainment was created in many different ways. One way was in theaters. Theaters had actors that acted out scenes without speaking. Another way of entertainment was watching movies. Still, movies during the 1920’s were black and white. Finally the last form of entertainment was listening over the radios. Believe it or not the Roaring 20’s was also called the Jazz Age. Jazz music was a new and

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