The Daily Star
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Independent or Third Party audit?
M.S. Siddiqui
Bangladesh needs effective auditing for transparency and accountability of the government. A weak government audit means that systemic problems in the collection and spending of public funds, and the use of public assets, may go unnoticed, while strong government audit can be a catalyst to continual improvement in proper financial management. It can strengthen government performance and service delivery, as well as reduce opportunities for corruption.
In Bangladesh, rampant public sector corruption and inefficiency provides ground for the public to see the performance of the
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The CAG is appointed by the president from audit cadre officers for a term of five years or until the appointee attains the age of sixty-five, whichever is earlier. Canada and the United States provide for 10-year terms to professionally qualified persons. In Bangladesh, the current practice of CAG tenure of five years does not provide a long enough term to initiate and implement reforms.
In Bangladesh Warrant of Precedence, the CAG is ranked sixteenth, which is below the rank of cabinet secretary. In many countries, including Canada, this position is of an equivalent rank to that of a minister or a federal justice. Model legislation for an audit office prepared in the United Kingdom recommends the same status as chief justice.
The CAG needs mandate from the nation through the legislature having core principles of legislative and administrative framework, security of tenure, and legal immunity in the normal discharge of his duties. It must give sufficiently broad mandate and full discretion for its functions and the freedom to decide on the content and timing of reports and to publish and disseminate them, and to recommend policy and follow-up mechanisms. The act also must ensure institutional framework for the supreme audit institution; a process for setting auditing standards; use of code of ethics or conduct, arrangements to ensure accountability in the institution; independence;
An example would be Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons who has the authority under the Ministry of Justice to inspect and report to the Government on the treatment and conditions for all prisoners in England and Wales. The authority of the
By adding the auditing process to line-item budgeting, government management focuses on expenditures, thus creating a type of accountability that confronts corruption, helps discourage public employees deviating from strict instructions, and enhances tighter control over the employees’ behavior. For these reasons, most governments utilize some form of line-item budgeting at some level within their organization” (Smith & Lynch, 2004).
Independence is extremely important, necessary, and appropriate because without an independent IAD, IAD’s objective of adding values and improving business operations cannot be achieved. Independence is also a key component in Attribute Standard. Accountability section states the chief audit executive’s responsibility to the management and audit committee. It is necessary and appropriate because it leads to significant communication between the CAE and top management and between the CAE and the Board; it also helps ensure that the standards and requirement of the internal auditing function is achieved.
Bangladesh scored 39, 42 and 48 in 2006, 2008 and 2009 respectively. Bangladesh's performance indicates that the government provided only some information to the public in its budget documents. Bangladesh would greatly strengthen public accountability by producing and publishing pre-budget statements, citizens' budgets, mid-year reviews and year-end reports, and empowering the audit institutions to publish summaries of audit reports.
police officers, lawyers, judges etc. In this body of work, the topic of Judicial Selection Process
At the federal level, inspectors general are appointed on the basis of ability in accounting, auditing, and financial analysis as well as the general field of law management analysis and public administration. The president nominates the IGs in cabinet-level departments and major agencies with confirmation by the Senate. IGs have in-depth knowledge of their organization and work under the general supervision of the head of the
White voters were allowed only. African people and the national liberation organization to protest against this act but never succeeded.
Administrator’s job requires him or her to balance and prepare the budgets, provide guidance, give directions, and to preserve the departments order, and to keep communities safe. These details of the job would make this field in criminal justice rewarding and satisfying. The job requirements of a criminal justice administer in the United States can be extremely demanding. The three foremost areas of criminal justice include the police, courts, and corrections. As an administrator overseeing the police department would be indeed the hardest of the three. Within a police department the chief of police would be the top administrator and in command of administrating the departments policies to all officers, detectives, and supporting staff.
These are hired and fired by the standing committee of the National Assembly. To be considered for the posts of lay assessor candidates need approval from Fatherland Front. The Supreme Court is organized into the following structures, criminal and economic departments, a judicial council, a civil department and a judicial committee. There are also three departments of appeal. Cases are received, and the resolutions send to the Provincial People’s Court. Decision made by the appeal departments take effect immediately otherwise overruled by the judicial council. It is also the responsibility of the supreme courts to summarize certain judgment on the yearly bulletin. Comparatively in the United States in the judicial process the Supreme Court is the greatest. This is headed by the chief justice and five other chiefs. These are appointed by the president and approved by the senate. The justice enjoys security of tenure and; once appointed they are on jobs for life. The Supreme Court is made of the judges who are also appointed by the president on approval by the senate. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United State court system. It performance can be ranked together among the best court systems in the world. The function of the Supreme Court is classified into two categories. There are the original jurisdictions which mainly involve cases that directly handle by the Supreme Court. These are mainly cases that involve the federal government and the
It's no question that Jesus played the biggest part in the forming of Christianity. The question is how much of Christianity is based off of his teachings? For starters, there are a lot of his teachings that are not used in modern day. Christianity is built off of a whole lot. Namely the Pharisee tradition of Judaism and all that comes with it (the old testament, the concept of heaven/hell, the resurrection, the devil, etc). Furthermore, Christianity is not based solely off of the teachings of Jesus per say, rather it is based off of the story. Namely the crucifixion and resurrection. As far as how we should live, we get a lot of that from Jesus, Paul, John, Peter, and the early church. Unfortunately, denominations, churches, and theologies tend to give principals and rules rather than equip the average believer to actually walk with and know God. As far as doctrines such as the trinity, and general Christology we get this very much from the early Church. So ultimately you have the Old Testament through the lens of the Pharisee's, the life of Christ, the teachings and histories in the new testament, and then the doctrines found to be truth by the early Christians.
2001. It was the year that every individual; man, woman and children on Earth would remember. There was the September 11 event which was considered the worst terrorist attack that has happened in U.S. history, killing a total of 2, 977 people. And not long after that, in the business world, on December 2, the greatest corporate failure was exposed. The crash of Enron in US, followed by the worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen became one the most popular accounting scandal where it is still being talked about even after a decade has passed. Following this scandal, other massive organizations like WorldCom (2002), AIG (2004), and Satyam Computer Services (2009) shared the same fate. Since then, there have been questions being
Tossing and turning she felt as if someone was grabbing onto her. Her heart pounded faster and faster. Her mind rushed to the thought of dieing. She opened her eyes relieved that it was all over. It was only a dream right? Nothing to be worried about she thought. She tried to sit up but found that her arms and legs could not move, they had been strapped down to the bed. Her heart started to race again. She knew that she wasn't asleep anymore. This was real. She tried to scream but her throat was too sore, so all that came out was a little squeal. She tried to kick and free her arms from the straps but they were too tight to get loose. There was a small thump sound near the closet which startled her. Looking over to the dark corner of her room
Ordinance, 1982. This Forms the basis for registration with the NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB); the Foreign Contribution (Regulation Ordinance 1982) Government organization, The NGO affairs Bureau, has been carrying out NGOs registration and processing of funds. NGO Bureau examines and evaluates reports submitted by NGOs and the checking of their income and expenditure accounts. The inspection and audit of accounts kept by NGOs are under section 4 and 5 of the Foreign Donation (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance 1978. As per Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order 1973, the NGO Affairs Bureau will prepare a list of Bangladesh Chartered Accountants for annual audit of NGO accountants. The NGOs prepare their annual program report within three months of ending the financial year and send copies to NGOAB’s Economic Relation Divisions, Concern Ministries, Concerned Deputy Commissioner and Bangladesh Bank, the following information should be incorporated with it: (a) project should be shown separately in the annual report. The main theme of project based report should expenses against actual target achieved in detail on the proposal, expenses
This paper critically analyses the independence of the internal audit function through its relationship with management and the audit committee. Given the growing role of internal auditing in contemporary corporate governance and independence has gained renewed attention.
Key elements of the quality of OAGP’s actual external audit is envisaged to comprise the scope/ coverage of the audit, adherence to appropriate auditing standards including independence of the external audit institution, focus on significant and systemic PFM issues in its reports, and performance of the full range of financial audit such as reliability of financial statements, regularity of transactions and functioning of internal control and procurement systems. Inclusion of some aspects of performance audit (such as e.g. value for money in major infrastructure contracts) would also be expected of a high quality audit function.