
India Association Plans A Newsletter

Decent Essays

The poem “India Association Plans a Newsletter” by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it behind retaining home culture in another country. Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how the second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the heritage you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new immigrants who want to sustain their own heritage in another land which is why today’s reader should pay attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today’s readers about the problems with being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in “India Association Plans a Newsletter” to convey a sense of what relieves the younger generation from falling back too behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because you are living in a different country.
Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what Chandra says in the previous lines. Chandra is an immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for about two decades. Today’s readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the poet says, “to make India over there to become India over here” (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such way that just because we are in the United States it doesn’t mean that we can’t bring our country here. The motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this

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