
India Of The Indus Valley Civilization

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India, the Indus Valley civilization is truly an ancient seat of human civilization. Being the seventh largest country in the world, India has always been rich in both natural and human resources. So far as human history goes India towers in its achievements among which would be included written language, philosophy and one of the earliest large scale urban civilizations. The history of India is replete with many examples of the integration of indigenous peoples with the migrating peoples of the ancient world. As a modern country India has successfully integrated a hugely diverse mixture of races into a functioning and democratic nation state. India’s population of over 1 billion speak hundreds of different languages yet they manage to live in relative harmony with each other. Such a wide diversity and acceptance places India at the center of a crossroad of cultures spanning from Europe to China. India has absorbed all this in a way nearly unprecedented in world history. Finally India can be considered the birthplace of organized religion starting with Hinduism and spawning others like Buddhism and Sikhism. In later times India also absorbed the Islamic invasions and thereby spread its cultural influence throughout the Arab Islamic world. India’s 5000 year history illustrates just how successful the idea of unity in diversity can really be.
Political overview:
India, officially the Republic of India is a huge country in South Asia with a population of 1.2 billion growing

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