
India 's Second Largest Population

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Country like India with world’s second largest population of around 1.271 billion people (2015), more than the 6th of the world total population. India’s population consist of 50% of its population range below age of 25years and 65% of population range below age of 35 years. The main concern of government of India lies in giving strong grounds to the young generation which will be the future of India, henceforth quality education, nourishment and exposure right from primary and upper primary. In order to overcome such challenges government of India came up with the scheme of midday meal scheme. Midday meal scheme serves nutritious to the school age children nationwide. The programme supplies free lunch to all students from …show more content…

• It also provide with support to the elementary stage children of drought affected areas in summer vacation.

The roots can be found from the British time 1925 Madras Corporation where mid meal program was incorporated. 1930 in Punducherry by the French administrator. Mid Day Meal was also in practice by various state governments after independence. Government of India on 15 august 1995 came up with a policy National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP NSPE) for the students from 1st to 5th standard. Supreme court in 2001 came up with a constitutional clause article 21 commonly known as Right to food and Right to life. The judgement was given that all the excess food stock should be fed to the hungry citizen nationwide. This also included mid day meal in primary schools, hence some changes where brought and even students from 6th to 8th was also included and on oct 2007 National programme of Mid Day Meal came up for all schools at primary and upper primary level.
The state and central government came forward to join hands to share the cost of MDMS with the centre providing 75% and state 25% of the total cost. Cost of grains and financing for other food items will be provided by the central government whereas cost of facilities comer transportation and labour is

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