Even though the british did many negative things in india imperialism was mostly positive because modern technology was created in India, education increased and many new jobs were created all during imperialism in India. The first positive point of imperialism in India is modern technology. One huge part of modern technology in India is the new railways built by 1853 in India.This helped the indians with transportation and trading all over India. They were now able to travel to different parts of India since india is very big with out railways it would take a long time to travel to a different part of india. Brand new telegraphs were created in India which meant that they could communicate faster with other countrys or even states in india . Brand new telegraphs …show more content…
New jobs were created for example when the british men that got to india the indian work for them as their servants. The india's also got jobs as laborers since new railways and bridges were built they needed people that would do the work this was a huge advantage for the indians because railways and bridges were built all over india and it took time for the railways and bridges to be built and anyone would be able to work and built. New jobs were created which helped the economy in India and people were not living in poverty with the new jobs created. Imperialism in India brought new jobs to India which helped with the economy and less people were living in poverty due to all the new jobs created which also brought money and people would not be starving because they don't have money for food. Imperialism in India was more positive than negative because it brought modern technology, education increased and new jobs in all over India were created this proves that imperialism in India was much more positive than
After the Industrial revolution started in Europe the Europeans needed raw material from other countries and from that came the Idea of Imperialism when one country takes over another. Although what the British were doing seemed to be benefiting India was actually doing the opposite. Many things that the Europeans did to India weather it was political, economic, or social the Europeans found ways to have those things benefit the British and very little or not at all to the Indian.
The British originally came in as a decent sized company in East India, but when the sepoys attacked that company, England sent their whole army and navy to get the sepoys under control, but while doing that they also took over all of India. Although economically and socially the Indians did benefit in some ways, the British established a massive infrastructure by controlling India and having a huge political, economic, and social impact on India that helped them more than it helped the Indians.
British imperialism lasted for hundreds of years and has had staggering effects in India that we can still see today. Britain initially became interested in India in the 1600’s; the government set up trading posts around the country because it was interested in the raw materials and resources available. At first Britain used indirect rule through Sepoys -- Indian soldiers -- but after the Sepoy Rebellion Britain had to step in to rule directly. Although British imperialism had positive effects such as eradicating immoral customs and paving the way for modern India, it also had numerous negative effects, such as by creating laws to better control Indians which left their government negatively impacted, taking from India with no concern for the
The British East India Company took over India because of all the resources that they had. when the company made the Indians join a military they rebelled and started firing back at the British and then the company “called” the British government and they came with big guns to take control and regain India for themselves. British imperialism has a negative impact on the politics of india because of the British courts and the government wasn't far toward the indians. British imperialism had a negative impact on the economy of India because the British did not help the environment and they made railroads to take away from the land. British imperialism had a positive impact on the economy of India because the British eliminated highway robberies,
Imperialism is when one country that has a lot of strength and takes over another country that is weak. The British only had control on India for 89 years. How was India affected by the imperialism of the British. Before India got taken over by the British they had a perfect government, had good wealth and ate plenty of food. I guess not enough.
The British imperialism is a negative impact on political, economic and social of Indian. The British controlled the government and made the Indians pay unfair taxes, grow cash crops and increased the frequency and severity of famines and manipulation of the cloth market. The British also wouldn’t let all Indians learn English. Why did the British do this to the Indians? The Indians politics had a negative Impact because the British controlled the government and made the Indians pay unfair taxes.
Throughout the history of the world, imperialism has played a major role. Imperialism is one country’s complete domination of the political, economic, and social life of another country. Imperialism has many positive and negative effects. The Age of Imperialism is considered 1800 - 1914. During this time Europe became a major world leader. European countries set up colonies all over Africa, Latin America, and Asia, and encouraged their citizens to populate them. European imperialism boosted Europe’s economy, and made them a world power. Imperialization had an entirely different effect on Africa, Latin America, and Asia. People of these countries were mistreated, they lost their culture, land, and self respect. The negative effects of
Imperialism was good for China. They gained new things due to imperialism it helped them learn new things and have new technology. They gained new things like education and technology.
Imperialism had several diverse impacts on Asia, Africa, and Europe. The pros about imperialism, was that new roads and railroads that were built connected many parts of India. The introduction of the telegraph and postal systems united many people. Discovering new agricultural methods improved farming in the west and in Africa and Asia. Schools that were built by the British educated many people. Human rights were recognized, by ending customs that threatened many humans.
Although there was some negative impact on Imperialism there were also positive thing that we're done. According to Role Of Missionaries In Colonization Of Africa Missionary opened schools and hospital for everyone. They mainly helped poor people and orphans. They also opened medical schools and trained people. Medicine was introduced to Africa during the imperialism. The British bought medicine and provided it to the people. One disease the Imperialist treated was malaria. They vaccinated people to prevent the disease.
“Englishmen.. have given the people of India the greatest human blessing - peace.” (Dutt). Merely coming to India in the 1600s to trade, the British East India Company established trading outposts. After ridding of French influence in India during the Seven Years’ War and having Indians mutiny against British rule, Britain gained full control of India. India has been under the imperialist control of the British until their independence in 1947. British imperialism caused some negative effects on India through poverty and persecution, but retained more of a positive impact due to its massive improvements in the modernization of India and the overall improvement of Indian civilization.
For Britain, there was barely a negative side to imperializing in India. British citizen did not change the way they went about their day at all. Prices of goods dropped which, of course made life easy, but nobody lost sleep over the colonization. Britain’s
Imperialism had both a negative and positive impact on the people and culture of India.
The first positive impact European Imperialism had on the world is education. Before European colonization and the introduction of Western education, traditional educational systems still existed in Africa The average African child was taught basic survival skills necessary to survive in the traditional society. They were taught how to fish, trade and crafts, etc. (Education Western Africa.) Although already knew
This period was one of major change in Indian life and culture. While the East