
Indian Ocean Trade Research Paper

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The Indian Ocean has always been a power trading region, a passageway between regions of the world that enfluenced the spread of languages, religion, and even people along with econmic views and technology. During the rise and fall of important empires, trade routes have changed and domination has changed hands plenty of times over history. While the goods traded have stayed about the same, the traders and the powers behind them changed from 7th to 17th century. The spread of many things such as culture and religion made its way through various parts of the trade network. The Persians and the Arabs controlled trade at this time which helped spread their culture and religion in different parts of the world because their many trade ports that people were required to pass through. Both the Arabs and Persians were Muslim so they easily spread their Islamic belifes to people who were willing to listen. While this was going on indain merchants bright Brahmin priests and Arbic merchants bright scholars to spread knowlage and logic, and although it wasn't as promnate christans sent out missinaries as well. Merchants spread their cultures to the foreign lands they …show more content…

China produced silk, porcelain, and tea, while East Africa sent out ivory, gold, and slaves. Merchants found new economic practices such as using credit and the uses bills of to exchange. The Chinese were first to use this practice, then it spread to many reigons of the world. Many port cities became important trade centers, such as cities of Indian, Southeast Asia, and, several European cities created the Hanseatic League to counter Italian control of sea trade. Trade became much more important in the economy of the empires and cities in the Indian Ocean Trade and even changing many economic practices because of strong dependents for foreign

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