
Industrial Growth In America Essay

Decent Essays

Industrial growth in the United States, transformed society in the US by changing the way things are manufactured. One big change was the discovery of electricity, which greatly changed the way things would be manufactured. Not only the discovery but the ability to bring it to manufactures. Thomas Edison's Electric Light Company effectively brought electricity to manifold customers. This enabled manufacturing to change tremendously and quickly (Norton, 2015.) The desire to compete also affected the way things would be manufactured. After the American Revaluation many in North America desired to compete with manufactures in England this was pursued by attempting to duplicate the process by which products were manufactured. One example of this …show more content…

This was not the end of the changes brought by the industrial revaluation and manufacturing. One major change was in the way women tended to see themselves. Before the revaluation young ladies who grew up on farms tended to stay on the farm until old enough to marry and then married farmer near by. This was accepted as the norm young ladies would grow up to marry someone from the same social standing as their fathers. A draw back to this way of life was a lack of income for the young ladies. Often they would marry and be completely dependent on their husbands for everything. Manufacturing jobs brought opportunities for these young ladies to move into cities and provide for themselves. This happened for a variety of reasons but one was to save money to be used for marriage. As the young ladies earned money and were able to provide for themselves marriage was not as important and only around one/third married farmers of those less than a quarter went back to their hometown after marriage (Dublin, 2006.) So the industrial revaluation did create a migration from farming communicates to cities. These same young framers daughters also became involved in reform movements. They fought for a ten hour work day to have time to relax at the end of the day, lower cost of boarding houses ran by the manufacturers, and participated in the women's rights movement that was mushrooming across the nation. (Dublin,

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