
How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Our Society

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The Industrial Revolution was a time of inventions and many changes. During this time the world shifted from old manual labor from past to new factory and machinery age as we live in today. The Industrial Revolution greatly impacted and influenced our modern day society by promoting new ways of transportation, rising the standard of living to higher chances which made people more happier, and also set about the growth of public education. During the Industrial Revolution, transportation changes for the better and made us travel more efficient and faster as we do today. Thanks to Nikolaus Otto, a german engineer, we can now travel with cars and get to our destination way faster compared to old ways of transportation, which was horse driven …show more content…

Industrialized societies recognized a need for a more literate workforce and school taught punctuality and obedience (Ellis 315). Workers now went to school to gain more intellectual knowledge and also to be disciplined which helps the attitude inside factories and get work done promptly. Governments began to expand secondary schools, known as high school in the United States. In secondary schools students learned classical languages like latin and greek along with history and mathematics (Ellis 315). Learning languages help the society better communicate with each other and make people comfortable with different types of foreigners in society.Mathematics teachings can be benefit with people in factory by learning numbers and knowing how to do math helps the mind to reason and organized complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps. In Conclusion, the industrial revolution greatly influenced and impacted our modern society as it is today. The revolution started our ways of transportation, public education and greatly rose standard of living. The Industrial Revolution improved people lives both both mentally and physically. It shows that change is not neccesarly bad and can be for the better. Our world today is changing and thanks to inventors during the revolution it will continue to

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