
Industrialization Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Beginning in the 17th century, the Industrial Revolution began in England. Industrialization became a foundation for countries to grow their economy as well as to advance their economies. After industrialization spread to the United States, the process spread to Russia and Japan in the 19th century; however, both countries derived different industrial influences from the West. In the 1800s, the present czar of Russia, Nicholas I, sought to expand Russian territory into the West, where the Ottoman Empire resided. Russia declared war on the western part of Europe but did not succeed since the English and French aided the Ottomans with their advanced weapons and technology. Realizing that Russia was falling behind the rest of the world in terms …show more content…

Though Russia became economically developed due to industrialization in the 19th century (Docs 1 and 6), because Japan was more socially stable due to their treatment of workers and their rapid adoption of modern mechanics (Docs 2, 3, and 5), Japan’s industrialization resulted in far more economic and technological advancement, in turn industrializing to a more pronounced extent than Russia. As previously mentioned, Japan sought to advance their economy while maintaining their native beliefs. To do so, Japan advanced their machinery which in turn helped them to develop factories and gave them more opportunities to advance even more mechanics. Japan adopted machinery from the West, like iron foundries, and took advantage of their natural resources such as ore and iron. Not only this, but according to the past prime minister of Japan in the 1900s, the government supported proper education and had government officials travel to the West to obtain information about other countries' social, industrial, and political institutions which would further advance Japan as a …show more content…

In contrast, the workers of Russia were not happy with their treatment and wages. In doc 7, a Russian physicist documented how poorly women were treated in the 1900s to bring light to the issue. The working conditions are described to be overly long, unfair, and painful for women, as well as for children who were forced to work. Because of poor working conditions and poor wages that were given in Russia, many people of Russia migrated to other countries such as the United States, seeking better work opportunities and quality of life. Immigrants usually settled in urban centers in the U.S, and because the factories in the U.S did not require much experience or skill, immigrants fit the role perfectly and helped to industrialize the United States even faster. Further, giving reason to Russia’s slow industrial process. Since Japan had a more stable society and was able to incorporate a lot of advanced technology and factories from the West, their economy in turn benefited greatly and at a quicker rate than

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