
Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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We are all human, no matter if we are rich or poor, what the pigment of our skin is, or our sexual identification. Inequality has faded out since the 19th and 20th centuries but it is still here in our lives. Today there is more equality, but there is still prejudice. People today learn just because someone is different, it does not make them not equal to everybody else. In the past people grew up believing they should treat others poorly for being different and they followed the public's opinion on these topics. Today the public has opened up their eyes and noticed others are not different but the same. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee it teaches the reader about equality and how to treat others. Human inequality has a negative impact on society through …show more content…

Social inequality is a growing problem in developed nations. In a country like the United States citizens are divided into the upper, middle, and lower class. The people in the top class are making 40% of the wealth in America even though they only account for 1% of the nation's population. This fact shows how the nation is run by the upper class and there is a huge gap between the upper classes income and the income of the other 99%. The people at the top tend to stay there when those at the bottom tend to stay at the bottom. The positioning of the lower class makes it hard to get out of it. Being in this position makes getting a good education hard because the quality of the education the children are getting does not compare to the upper classes education. With more money the better education received which leads to better jobs to make more money. With this cycle going in the upper class the lower class can not keep up. An aspect of social inequality is social

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