
Infection Prevention

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Current Compliance Status for Infection Prevention and Control 1. Commission Standard: Infection Investigation/Identification Recently the hospital implements preventing spread of Infection. The hospital has a successful framework for controlling the spread of infection and/or outbreaks among patients/clients, employees, physician, volunteers, students, and visitors. Identification and managing infections at the time of a client’s admission to the hospital and throughout their stay are the critical aspects of the infection prevention and control program, in addition to subsequent renowned infection control practices while providing care. In the hospital’s admission process, there are numerous ways to investigate, control, and …show more content…

As a result, the hospital should provide qualified Infection Prevention Coordinator, Surveillance, and Educators. Besides to the hospital’s nursing practitioners and physicians are also significant stakeholders in the plan for compliance. Following is an evaluation of the corrective action plan for infection prevention and control in row with the three standards provided in the compliance statement. 1. Commission Standard: Infection Investigation/Identification Although the infection prevention and control plan system for Nightingale Community Hospital has an effective framework for screening patient from infection some weaknesses are evident. For instance, the hospital does not have a framework for maintaining an ongoing program designed to prevent and control infections. According the commission’s standards on infection prevention and control plan, the infection control and prevention program must include documentation that Hospital has considered, selected, and implemented nationally recognized infection control guidelines. This specification is vital in promoting the excellence of care among all patients. In order to enhance infection prevention and minimize the potential for transmission of

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