
Influential Friends In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Influential Friends The probability of child to suffer a mental illness, commit suicide or develope a problem from alcohol, doubles compared to a child raised by both parents. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee that portrays the power of friendship and the struggles of growing up with different influences. Even though children spend more time with friends, parents are the final authority yet peer pressure is an impactful influence in schools and stories like To Kill a Mockingbird demonstrate the strong bonds friends can make in the absence of adults. The friendship that Scout, Jem and Dill have, contributed to the development of behavior which shapes each child as they grow. After seeing the disapproval of Atticus for the Radley’s game, Scout begins to question the intentions of both Jem and Dill. “Jem, you and me can play and Scout can watch if she’s scared”(page 39) When Scout hesitates in join the boys to play, Dill provokes Scout by insinuating that she is afraid. Scout being the girl of the group has to prove that she can keep up with the boys, as to not be left out she continues playing. The game that brings the children together is a play which exhibits the way the children view the Radleys. The influence of Jem and Dill on Scout, is the only thing …show more content…

The absence of parents leaves children without guidance which forces to rely on the judgement of friends. Having a parental figure to not only punish but also to rely on is detrimental to the development of a child. Parents develop bonds that are strong but friends develop a relationship that based on understanding and kindness. This sets each individual on a fair and equal level disregarding the principles of a gerontocracy. Children obtain information that allows them to grow everyday. As a result, knowledgeable children end up becoming knowledgeable and influential

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