
Informative Essay On Distracted Driving

Decent Essays

One call, one text, or even one second of not paying attention to your surroundings while driving can kill you. In this informative paper I will be going over the types of distracted driving, the dangers of distracted driving, and the risks and effects of distracted driving. There are many types of distracted driving. The most recognized ways a driver could be distracted include: visual, manual, and cognitive. (“Distracted Driving”). Visual distraction includes taking your eyes of the road, or simply looking at your cell phone. Manual distraction includes taking your hands off the wheel or paying too much attention to something going on in the car. Cognitive distraction can simply mean that your mind is elsewhere instead of concentrating on the road and your surrounding. Another dangerous thing to do while behind the while is attempting to multitask. When something else is going on around you or in the car, it’s very tempting to want to pay attention to whatever is going on. If you’re able to resist temptation and focus on driving, you could possibly avoid an accident, or have a faster reaction time. …show more content…

Approximately 660,000 drivers try to use their cell phone while behind the wheel. Smartphones are a convenient way to stay connected with people all the time, but create a serious risk when you decide to interact with your device while driving. Statistics prove that using your phone while driving is a risk and should not be done. Cell phone distraction rates are high. The National Safety Council reports that the use of phones while driving, causes 1.6 million collisions each year. (“Accident Statistics”). One of every four crashes are a consequence of cell phone usage. Texting and driving is 6 times more likely to cause an accident than driving under the influence. So all of these statistics prove cell phones are dangerous and sometimes

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