
Informative Essay On Education

Satisfactory Essays

Informative Analysis Essay In today’s world, education has taken center stage and is considered to be the focal point for success and prosperity in one’s future. Education while previously thought to not be important and was not necessarily required, has taken a complete 180 and has gained the attention of many professionals and experts in several areas and fields (Hanford, “The Value of a College Degree”). Many questions people ask are if education as a whole has taken a decline in value, or whether or not people should still undertake a post-secondary education with all of the costs associated with it. What was once thought to be a surefire way to guarantee a solid future has turned into the target of debate as of late. Many people side with the continued thought that college is worth it, but others are turning heads at the thought of going to college to try for a better future (Tierney "AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: How Does It Measure Up for the 21st Century?"). While many experts and activists in the field of education, as well as those outside education, share universal ground over the ideas of obtaining a “worthwhile” education and the outcome of a better future based on the education one receives, they have not acquired a complete agreement about if college is worth pursuing in relation to the costs that accompany it, how much education is enough in today’s world and if it is important to even possess a degree. Over the last 100 or so years, the price of going to

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