
Informative Essay On Michael Jordan

Decent Essays

The Greatest Athlete of All Time On June 14, 1998, with twenty one seconds left of game six of the NBA Finals, Michael Jordan stole the ball away from Karl Malone and ran the ball up to half court. He stopped at the left-center of the three point line and looked his defender in the eye. With nine seconds left Jordan charged towards the basket dribbling with his right hand with his defender on his hip. As time was winding down and there was seven seconds on the clock, he dribbled into a stepback crossover from his right hand into his left hand leaving his defender on the hardwood floor. He pulled up for the twenty foot jumper and drained it for the game winning shot. That shot won them the 1998 NBA Championship. This was one of his twenty …show more content…

He moved to Wilmington North Carolina at a young age where he attended. Emsley A. Laney high school. He was a B+ student and played basketball, football and baseball (Jordan). Michael Jordan started recording great statistics as early as the tenth grade. In his sophomore season, Michael Jordan did not make the varsity basketball team due to his height disadvantage. He was only 5’9 and could not dunk the basketball (Dwyer). He was very upset about being put on the Junior Varsity team it and used it as motivation to play harder. In multiple games he scored forty plus points (Spehr). In 1979 he grew 4 inches and worked out constantly. ¨That year he made the varsity squad and instantly became Laney High’s best player, averaging more than 20 points a game¨ (Poppel). Although he was the best player on the team, his hard work did not stop. In his next season, he averaged a triple-double and ushered the team to a record of nineteen wins and four losses. He was named a McDonald's All-American, an award given to the best twenty high school basketball players in America. His basketball career went on from high school to the college level at the University of North

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