The Informative Research Report Assignment challenged my abilities to paraphrase the exactness of pertinent information used in support of my paper. Changing wording that exactly expressed the issue or verified a point, reduced the clarity and meaning of the statement. Quoting felt close to plagiarism and I spent considerable time ascertaining the changes of the subject matter, only to discover paraphrasing the evidence changed the exact meaning, therefore, quoting resolved the problematic issue of accepting paraphrased “water-downed” evidence. Choosing a topic related to my career, was quickly and easily resolved. Reflection proved I erred; for my career requires exactness and the “splitting of hairs.” As a paralegal, every brief, memorandum,
Wild horses of Asstatuge live in Maryland. Asstatuge is an Island so the horses are shown in water. The horses on Asstatug Island survive from each other. Asstatuge's horses are herds of horses so they do not have an owner. That's why they are called wild horses because there don't have an owner.
Direct Quotes. Avoid having more sentences of direct quotes than you have paraphrased. Aim for one to three sentences of direct quotes. Attempt to insert the in-text citations and if not perfect, that is okay at this point.
December 2 2017 Bryant Langheim Final Paper Do you ever wonder who the person who helps attorneys or who you speak to get a attorney. The answer is a paralegal and that is the career I’m interested into going to school for. I have a lot of strengths, weakness, and I will tell about becoming a paralegal. Although that’s not all I will also explain steps and the process I have a job in criminal justice.
In stating so, Flynn argues that while some in the legal field think that paralegals are supervised and work under an attorney, therefore do not need to be licensed or certified. Others believe paralegals handle intricate legal matters, therefore should be licensed and certified. This statement from Flynn reinforces my belief that paralegals are essential to the effectiveness of a law firm and leads into my standing that licensing should be in place to ensure education, knowledge and adherence, which in turn will make a paralegal more valuable. Licensing of the paralegal profession and the requirements of experience and education that come with it; would dispel the long time misunderstanding of position titles among law office staff, attorneys and the public.
“Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.” –Hippocrates, 460-377 BC. If a Greek physician could make this statement over 2300 years ago, why is it such an under-exposed theory today? As stated in Chiropractic First, written by Dr. Rondberg, a chiropractor of 35 years and founder of the “Chiropractic Journal,” Hippocrates “believed that only nature could heal and it was the physician’s duty to remove any obstruction that would prevent the body from healing” (8-9). These “physicians” are called chiropractors today, and their goal is to remove subluxations, the displacement of two or more spinal disks that causes
The following day, Coates returned to work with her notepad full of notes that she’d collected after studying Reno’s Facebook page. They’d been told that he and Savannah were madly in love, the next power couple, and had been dating for two years. They’d seen how he comforted Darlene, Savannah’s mother, at the crime scene. Coates’ experience had taught her that nothing is what it seems and Reno’s Facebook page corroborated her skills.
In literature, tone is the attitude a literary works takes toward it subject and theme (Booth 147). The tone in the stories, "The Road Not Taken” and "Hills like White Elephants" are very decisive, strong tones toward the subject in each poem. In the story, "The Road Not Taken" the traveler has decided to embark down the path that is less traveled by others. Then in the story, "Hills like White Elephants" the man and the woman are trying to decide if they should have an abortion or not.
I have 15 minutes and the spotlight is on me, that is just 900 seconds to change the world. Andy Warhol once stated “In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes” I am sure many would use those 15 minutes for money, stardome, and the praise of others. I have a very different vision. I have an earnest dream of using my moments of fame to be a proponent for mankind. My “moment of fame” would consist of having a crowd of open-minded people where I can pragmatically preach tolerance, peace, and appreciation to those willing to listen.
You asked me to do research and write a memo for a prospective client to determine if her rights were violated when she held up a sign at a community fair which led her to suspension.
is a process in which water is slowly dripped onto a person's forehead, allegedly driving the restrained victim insane, a result of prolonged restraint under irritating conditions.
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.
This is an informative research report. With the purpose of educating students of APFM, the changes made to the construction industry because of negative effects asbestos. By informing students about the properties, history, consequences, and solutions of the material, it will allow for complete comprehension of the alternative steps taken by the industry
The purpose of this memorandum is to go into detail about the legal career path of being a lawyer. Within this memo, you will find information regarding the preparation for a career as a lawyer, such as the necessary degrees and skills, as well as information on the general outlook for this job, such as expect salary, and where most of the jobs in this field are located. Finally, the memorandum will discuss how occupational research for being an attorney helped tailor my resume and cover letter to specific job postings in the field.
I have chosen a career as a paralegal. This is a field that I expect will be both challenging as well as professionally rewarding. As a paralegal, I will assist attorneys in the delivery of legal services (National Association of Legal Assistants, 2008). A career in paralegal studies is a prestigious, professional adventure and offers a wonderful opportunity while enhancing ones knowledge of the law and provides for challenges, growth and advancement.
South Florida is an area known for the devastating impact of hurricanes during the months from June to October. With the hurricane devastation comes abundant rain, repeated storms and climate changes such as temperature and humidity levels increase. The South Florida coastal population is very much affected by these climate changes, especially by sea level rise. Due to sea level rise, flooding damages and climate changes, the population in the coastal area have a higher incidence of respiratory diseases than the rest of South Florida, consequential in increasing of hospitalizations and a higher health care resources utilization ratio. Numerous studies have approached this topic since the