
Informative Speech On Flobberworms

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Hello everyone! After the first lesson on the specifics of this industry, I'm sure you are all ready to learn about the good stuff; creatures. We will start learning about the creatures today! However, these creatures are nothing fancy. They are the only two creatures that are classified as X, or Boring. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we will learn about Flobberworms and Horklumps! Whilst they aren't extremely interesting, each of them contributes a lot to the wizarding world, and that is what we are going to look at today. First, the Flobberworm! Flobberworms are invertebrate worms, and can grow up to 10 inches long. They are usually brown in colour, and look identical on both ends. They prefer to live in damp ditches, and move very little. …show more content…

Because they look identical on both ends, Magizoologists have tried looking for eyes in order to distinguish the head from the tail. However, so far they have been unsuccessful which has lead them to believe that Flobberworms are blind. Flobberworms also have no teeth, so Magizoologists are not able to distinguish between the holes used for eating and waste removal - without watching the creatures. It is unknown how a Flobberworm looks on the inside, due to their rapid decomposition. A Flobberworm's organs decompose within three to seven minutes after death. Magizoologists have used spells to see inside of living Flobberworms, but are only ever able to see a solid mass. Magizoologists believe Flobberworms possess a protective layer around their organs. This layer developed to protect the Flobberworm during movement. Though they don’t move often, their skin breaks easily. The protective layer helps secure the organs within the Flobberworm’s body. Flobberworms feed on vegetation; mostly cabbages and lettuce. Although we do not know much about their internal organs, it is believed that Flobberworms have taste buds. This belief developed due to the Flobberworm’s refusal to eat Iceberg …show more content…

Horklumps are usually bright pink mushrooms, covered in black bristles. Mutant breeds of Horklumps have appeared in several parts of Europe and are green or yellow in color. It is unknown how these mutations occurred and Magizoologists cannot determine if they are any different from regular Horklumps. Horklumps were originally found in Scandinavia, but are now found throughout Northern Europe. Their only source of food is earthworms, which are found in the gardens which they infest. They breed fairly quickly, and can cover a garden in a matter of days. Gnomes love to eat Horklumps, so be careful if you have Horklumps as they tend to lead to a Gnome invasion. Because Horklumps feed on earthworms, a food source is never a problem for them, so trying to remove them via starvation will not work. Horklumps are nocturnal creatures. During the day, Horklumps stay rather dormant and don't move. At night, the black bristles on top of the Horklump start to move around, creating whistling noises as they rub against each other. Whilst some people like Horklumps, others feel they are pests. They are very difficult to get rid of and very few substances in the world are effective poisons against them. However, one substance which is known to be effective is Streeler venom - which we will cover in later

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