
Informative Speech On Hurricane

Decent Essays

Look Out for Hurricane!
Attention Getter:
Good afternoon everyone, my name is Yonghui Lin. Before giving information to you, here I’d like to show some pictures from the latest news. (PS: Showing some pictures about Irma Hurricane in Florida) As of September 15, the hurricane -Irma has caused at least 82 deaths, including 43 in the Caribbean and 39 in the United States.
Yes, as what you are thinking right now, I am going to talk about something which is very important especially for people who live along coastlines-- hurricane. Please listen carefully, because the information I give you might save a life!
Today, I am going to give some information about what can people do to decrease damage when there is a hurricane.
• Things we can prepare before a hurricane.
• Some safety tips during a hurricane.
• Some tips on what we can do after a hurricane.
As we know, when summer turns to fall, hurricanes appear. so, at the start of the hurricane season, it is good to have a good preparation. Here are some good measures to follow:
Before a hurricane
• Talk about hurricanes. Spend time with your family discussing why hurricanes occur. Explain that a hurricane is a natural event and not anyone’s fault. Use simple words that even young children can understand.
• Know your risk. Find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation area. Assess your risks from a storm surge, flooding or wind damage that may accompany a hurricane.
For example:
1. Be sure trees and shrubs around

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