
Informative Speech On Military Veterans

Decent Essays

Mark henan: We have any military veterans in the audience today? At ease all that “rucus”, what do you think this is? college? Greetings to chairman Davis. President Jackson. Members of the board and trustees. Family ,friends, and my fellow graduates. May I share, may I share, my story in an essay format. After high school I went to college for one term and quit. Joined the army and 20 years later I found myself in the final stages to deploy to Iraq. Unfortunately, I was injured. My team with whom I had a bond forged in steel went to Iraq without me, but not everyone retuned. They sacrificed their dream so that we could dream big. And today I speak for those who no longer have a voice. As the story goes my injuries left me immobile and I couldn’t …show more content…

So the army sent me to the warrior transition center for rehabilitation. But I will tell you , I was angry, I was angry because I couldn’t be with my team and in total “ abject” frustration, I would yell at my legs saying what is wrong with you? Why can’t you move anymore? No, please don’t do this me. But the great people at the warrior transition center said, that’s okay you just give us 100% effort, even if it’s only one painful step at a time, you are a warrior!
My thesis statement, it is the words that people say that gives you strength when you are at your crossroad. And today I stand, I run, and I walk for those who cannot. But let me pause for my essay because I will be derelant In my duties and negligent in task if I didn’t say to my sister in the audience who last year got a stroke and somehow got through all of that and now she’s reaping heaven on her employees. Big sister you are my warrior. Give hear a hand, I might not have a ride home today. Now, to the body of the essay. When I came to Cambridge... You all know how essays go. We are going to get to that. When I came to Cambridge College I was nervous, but they accept me for who I was, a 24 year old military veteran. …show more content…

I turned my class room assignments at the position of attention. I found out later, I could’ve just emailed it. But I came to love this school and it has been a magnanimous experience. Some of my professors, not saying any name would literally stand up on the chairs; demonstrate that simply standing outside the box of limitations is the fundamental difference between the rest and success. Other professors, they would have us acquainted with our international classmates. So I said to my Chinese class mate. What was it like growing up in china? Wow, she told me some amazing stories about her family and their culture. My fellow graduates, we are in doubt with the richest of cultural diversity and we have learned so much more from Cambridge College that we could’ve ever learned from just our text books. So I said to my Chinese classmate. “Something in Chinese”. Understand we are all warriors in our own walks of life, but it is Cambridge College who has served as our Warrior Transition Centre saying that s okay you just give us 100% effort even it’s from a one painful step towards balancing your family, working a job, heck! Trujding. to records snow storms seems like every week to get to class. Or even turning in that 37th revision to that

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