
Inhlete's Impact On Social Issues In Sports And Social Athletes

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It is safe to say that athletes and celebrities have just as much impact on society, as the politicians that run the country. Professional athletes share the same social status as celebrities, they are seen as role models, and leave a mark on history with what they are able to accomplish in their careers. Throughout history, there have been instances where athletes use their higher platform to bring awareness to injustices in their society, just recently the NFL has been gaining a lot of backlash as more players start to kneel during the national anthem in protest of the mistreatment of people of color by law enforcement. However, this is hasn’t been the only time athletes have come together to protest against injustice. Almost 48 years ago, the Vietnam War Draft lottery came into play, calling into service any male born in between 1944 and 1950. Of course, this drew public outrage, as it randomly decided who would be drafted, and any male that has at least graduated high school is required by law to serve if they have been drafted. The question I pose for you today is; What impact do athletes have over social issues within our country? I believe that Clay v. United States, NBA uniforms, and the NFL protests are all examples of athletes using their higher social status to bring awareness to social injustices. Formerly known as Cassius Clay, Muhammad Ali was arguably the most revered and idolized boxer to ever step in the ring. However, throughout his boxing career, he was

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