
Injustice In Anna Quindlen's Homeless

Decent Essays

Individuals' choice to judge from right to wrong comes from their own values. Their choices and opinions mirror who they are and what morals they have within them. However today in society, humans have been deprived in many ways of their own vital rights. How to confront these and many other types of injustices have been debatable for a long time. What is the role of the individual in confronting injustice ? Opinions about this topic will be expected to always vary from one person to the other. An individuals' decision from right to wrong is based on their instinctual nature, their life experiences and the values they have been taught. As long people are aware of the injustices that they can themselves commit, we are always one step …show more content…

Anna Quindlen, author of Homeless mentions that the presumptions we make and the injustices we either face or commit are direct reflections of the ethics we have been taught. Quindlen mentions " You are where you live. She was somebody"(Homeless), where she tries to convey the readers that who you are all comes from where you grew up and what values you have within you. If people are aware and injustices in the world, and make sure to pass it along their offspring, they have in a way confronted injustice. In the case of Homeless, Anna mentions the idea that people are often forgetting that homeless people are individuals without a home, not lazy human beings that have become an issue to society. She explains how people needs to teach and be aware of the truth before we judge and make our own conceptions and presumptions based of the truth of what we see and what hear. In Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck also mentions the idea of individuals making their own choices. When Steinbeck says" Man, unlike any other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, and emerges ahead of his accomplishments."(Grapes of Wrath 14), he suggest the idea that humans are freely given the right to choose, therefore no matter where you came from or with who you grew up its no ones but your choice to either be or not aware of

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