
Insanity In Drunk Driving

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The Definition of Insanity
The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same action over and over and expecting a different result. For example, George Santayana states “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (Clairmont) We all have experienced some sort of situation in which alcohol was involved. Victims of drunk driving situations have a very long and tough grieving process in which some individuals wish to forget entirely. On the other hand, referring back to the quote, we cannot forget the past or someone will be doomed to repeat it. However, some situations involving alcohol end in a more a serious outcome, such as life altering disability or even death. Although, the first offence of driving under the influence can be the last. With this being said, there are plenty of repeat offenders of driving while under the influence (DUI) that continue to put other people in harm’s way as they repeated getting behind the wheel with a BAC of .15. These repeat offenders do not always have serious or fatal outcomes with their actions, and continue to forget the lives they are putting at risk. The total amount of lives lost to DUI and the large majority of repeat offenders needs an improvement with reforms such as laws tightening the noose on recidivate offenders, stronger punishment for controlling the nations DUI problems, and better enforcement of the “no tolerance” policy.
Every fifty-one minutes there is an alcohol impaired driving accident. This

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