
Insanity In Edgar Allan Poe's Tell Tale Heart

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Fear is the feeling that an individual has when they are in danger, or feel threatened or in pain. In the story, “Tell Tale Heart” Edgar Allan Poe explains how insanity can affect your actions. In the story a mad man has a weird relationship with an old man who has a vulture eye and they received a feeling that frightens them because they think the man is trying to come after them. Also towards the end of the story the madman kills him and buries him under the wood and the police come and they act like everything is normal, Then they start to hear a heartbeat that makes them confess because their conscious is taking over him. In the short story, Poe uses symbolism, imagery and diction to demonstrate that insanity can be criticized from an individual's’ intellect. Poe utilizes the symbolism of imagery of the old man’s heart and eye to illustrate how insanity is castigated by individuals because of their acumen.Throughout the whole passage, the heart continued to beat more fearfully everytime. In the story it states, “It grow quicker and quicker, and louder and louder every instant.” This quote explains how the author helps the audience picture that narrator being able to hear the old man’s heart.It interprets that the narrator is insane because he thinks that he can actually hear the heartbeat of the old man and because he is frightened so it makes everything much worst.The quote connects to the theme because it reveals that the audience would think that the madman is crazy

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