
Insanity In Shakespeare's Hamlet

Decent Essays

A defendant’s sanity can often be used to acquit him or her of all charges. However, the downside of this is the potential for a false diagnosis. In order to determine one’s sanity, his or her actions and motives need to be evaluated heavily. This can lead to great debate as many different people can interpret one’s actions in many different ways. One such debate surrounds Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Following the death of his father, Hamlet appears to have started the descent into madness. His actions become hastier and more reckless as the play progresses, but he claims to his mother that he is simply “mad in craft”. This only serves to add to the debate of his sanity because it must be determined if what he said is valid. Though …show more content…

Truthfully, the only person to fully believe in Hamlet’s madness is Polonius though he attributes it to love-sickness due to “the pangs of despis'd love” from Ophelia (1765). Since he is thoroughly convinced of this, he brings it up to Claudius who very skeptically believes this, admitting that “though this be madness, yet there is method in't” (1307). In an effort to verify his suspicion, he sends two men to attempt to inquire about what it is that causes Hamlet’s recent demeanor. Hamlet sees straight through this and tells them exactly what the king wanted to hear, that he has indeed gone crazy but he knows not what caused it (1390-1392). Though he still does not believe that Hamlet is truly mad, Claudius uses it as an excuse to, what he thinks will, end Hamlet’s plan. In this is another example not only of Hamlet’s sanity but his intelligence as he foresees the reason he is being sent to England; he replaces the letter ordering his death with a letter ordering the death of his deliverers. There is far too much forethought in this for someone considered mad to have.
In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, readers follow what appears to be the young prince Hamlet’s progression into madness; there is great evidence, however, that this madness is feigned to achieve his desired end. Many of his actions do seem rash and without reason, but as the play progresses, it is shown that Hamlet has a plan all along and uses his crafted madness in order to progress his plan. Hamlet’s sanity is a debate that can only be settled as court cases are, by evaluating the available evidence, and there is overwhelming evidence that proves that Hamlet is actually mad in craft, as he refers to

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