
Inside The Beltingway Essay

Decent Essays

Inside the Beltway”- Someone who is “Inside the Beltway is separate from the rest of the country because of the political climate inside Washington D.C.
2. “Above Politics”- To be “above politics” is to be detached from the political spectrum and to make decisions based on the laws and constitution of the United states.
3. Pundit- an expert in a particular subject who often comments on what is going in his/her field.
4. Soundbite- A snippet of a speech or presentation that is recorded and broadcasted.
5. “rank and file”-The members of an organization who are the leaders.
6. Maverick- An individual who does things in an “outside the box” kind of way.
7. Partisan- A person who strongly believes in/supports a cause
8. Bipartisan- When two political …show more content…

“Swing state”- A state that can learn to either side of the political spectrum.
11. “Dirty tricks”- An unfair attack on a political rival meant to make them look bad.
12. “Stump speech”- An ordinary speech made by someone who is running for office
13. Lobbyist- Someone hired by an industry to convince legislatures to make laws favoring that industry.
14. Bandwagon- An activity or idea that suddenly becomes “all the craze these days.”
15. Spin- To take a bad event or accusation and use against you and use it to your advantage.
16. “Boondoggle”- Work that has no real use but puts up the appearance that you are doing something helpful.
17. “Red tape”- following too closely to rules and creating extra obstacles to jump over.
18. Gerrymander- an unfair way to create electoral districts in which all of the supporters of a party are concentrated into one district while everyone else is in the other districts in order to ensure more electoral votes for a party.
19. Polarization- Opposite sides of a spectrum, perhaps in a political sense.
20. Lameduck- A period where an elected official’s successor has been elected but the official is still in office.
21. “pork barrel spending”- The spending of government funds to improve a specific represenative’s

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