
Inside The Closet - Original Writing

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Skeletons in the Closet
Our first experience of this old English term came about not as secrets in a person’s past but in a house! Over the years, we have lived in a variety of old homes that embody the history of many families and diverse activities. Among those homes was an old three-story English-style rooming house in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan that was owned by the Anglican Theological College of Emmanuel and St. Chad. Shirley and I had a “flat” on the third floor with four single girls living above us and a single eligible theological professor/Priest below us! Not only were the upper floors busy but we also had a presence living in the basement that from time to time would enter into our community life. Special care was taken by all of us to ensure we did not have a prankster amongst us so we made sure to ascertain that the occurrences were confirmed by more than one person and that they had happened more than one time to different people. Often we would hear the horn on my bicycle give a blast at different times of the day. Something or someone had to squeeze the rubber bulb to force the air through the reed on that horn! During a small dinner party hosted by the professor, the pictures on the wall shifted on their nails, and there was no vibration on the floors from music, dancing, or any kind of enthusiastic activity! More than one person experienced someone answer a phone call to the

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