
Insider Trading Is Unethical?

Better Essays

1. Insider trading is unethical. A person in entrusted to protect confidential information and is expected to understand their responsibility to not divulge that information until such time as it is put out in a public forum. If the information is not put out to the public, then it is that person’s responsibility and obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the information he is privy to. Insider trading is also unfair because it gives someone an unfair advantage by having information ahead of others. By disclosing information before it is the appropriate time, both the tipper and the tippee are taking advantage of the business the information is about to further their own agenda and possibly get a financial gain they would otherwise not be entitled to. Insider trading is stealing from a company as mentioned in NPR’s episode 671, “An Insider Trader Tells All”. It’s taking something that is not yours to have and doing so at the potential expense of others.
2. Possible stakeholders include the following:
a. The company(ies) whose shares are being traded with information that is not yet for public consumption. The information getting out ahead of time is confidential and should not be disclosed until the company wants it out there.
b. The individuals who may have otherwise purchased the shares of stock had the person not had insider information to move sooner on the purchase or sale of the stock.
c. The holders of stock, who may have considered selling the shares

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