
Inspirational Tools Of An Inspiration Leader

Good Essays

Robert King
ENG W131
The Inspirational tools of an Inspiration Leader
On January 20, 1961, President John F. Kennedy was sworn into office and delivered one of the most famous and remembered inaugural addresses in U.S. history. Kennedy was motivated to calm fears about the rise of Soviet power during the 1950`s. With his elaborated speech he called upon American citizens to act in support of their government. The motivation for American citizens to defend freedom and democracy introduced a challenge and an opportunity for Kennedy with his tactics for presidency. In his Inaugural Address, Kennedy builds up his fellow Americans’ pride with calls to the nation to support their country in many ways.
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It was at the beginning of his speech that Kennedy knew he needed to lay the foundation needed to captivate the world, and entice it to accept him with faith and assurance of him as the next global leader. His stage is set by describing his victory as “symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning -- signifying renewal, as well as change.” Kennedy also uses the appeal of pathos with his audience by instigating several very effective distinctions of diction. As he is describing the authorities passed on to the new breed of Americans, he gives on nationalistic feelings to the listening citizens. He continues this by indicating the resiliency of the United States’ history. Calling on the need for the American citizenship to continue to support the ideals of

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