
Instant Exception Voting

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Every 4 years, numerous people face off with the hopes of achieving or keeping the office of US President. This salient occurrence kicks off with Presidential Primaries and Caucuses. “Primaries come in two basic forms: In an open primary, all registered voters can vote for any candidate, regardless of their political affiliation. Registered Democrats may vote for a Republican candidate, and Republican voters may cast ballots for a Democrat, for instance. And registered Independents can participate in either party’s primary. But in a closed primary, voters may vote only for candidates of the party with which they are registered” (Gore, D’Angelo. Caucus vs Primary). Caucuses are similar to primaries, except that one has to be present at the …show more content…

Instant runoff voting, or ranked choice voting, is a simple change that can make America’s democracy fairer and functional. With instant runoff voting, voters rank as many candidates as they want in order of choice. In the event that one candidate fails to achieve a sufficient majority, the candidate with the fewest number of first-preference rankings is eliminated and these votes redistributed, the process being repeated until one candidate achieves the required majority ( Instant Runoff). Under this system, candidates will do best when they attract a strong core of first choice support while also reaching out to second and even third choices. Instant runoff voting helps elect a candidate that better reflects the support of a majority of voters. It also promotes positive campaigns. In a non-ranked choice (runoff) elections, candidates will often benefit themselves by denigrating other candidates. But with a ranking system, candidates must reach out positively to as many people as possible, including people who support their opponents ( Instant Runoff). Instant runoff voting provides more choices for voters. Rather than being stuck with two candidates, instant runoff voting allows more than two candidates to compete without fear of splitting the vote. Instant runoff voting also reduces the impact of money in politics. “Candidates who have run and won in ranked choice voting elections have been successful because they built grassroots outreach networks. Those more positive and inclusive campaign tactics cost less than polarizing negative radio and television elections, helping to explain why candidates seem able to win ranked choice voting elections even when outspent” ( Instant Runoff) Instant runoff voting will also prevent the “lesser of two evils” voting scenarios. With a runoff system, voters can vote for the candidate they honestly

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