
Insurance Benefits

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Getting a routine physical is one of the best ways to stay proactive about your health. During a physical, the doctor can diagnose and treat small problems before they escalate and give your appropriate tips about living a healthy lifestyle. Though it's natural to be nervous before getting your first physical, try to relax by preparing beforehand with these five tips.

1. Look at Your Insurance Benefits

Call your insurance company before setting up an appointment. Ask if routine physicals are covered, how often you are allowed to get them (once a calendar year or every 12 months) and if the practitioner you want to visit is an approved provider. Clearing things with the insurance company and verifying your benefits before your appointment …show more content…

This will include any questions or concerns you have about your health, a detailed list of medications you are currently taking and your family's health history. Take your notes with your to your appointment so you are prepared to answer any questions that are asked.

4. Be Prepared to Get Personal

The nurse will need to ask you a variety of questions that may feel very personal, such as questions about sexual activity, recreational drug use, alcohol use and the use tobacco. The nurse, many who have become certified with an online RN to MSN program, will write down these responses and give them to the doctor who will use them to gauge your overall health and make recommendations to help your live healthier. Be honest and open in order to receive appropriate care.

5. Wear Comfortable Clothing

The doctor will be listening to your heart and lungs, looking over your skin for suspicious moles and feeling various parts of your body for abnormalities. Comfortable clothing can make the process easier for both you and your practitioner.

Getting your first physical is the best way to take charge of your own health and live a strong, active life. Take a deep breath and use these five tips to prepare for your

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