
Integrative Outreach Summary

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The study results included that there were few differences between the male and female athletes perception of sport psychology except the males tend to view sport psychology as having to do with mental things and females viewed it as having a problem. Both genders seemed to view the barrier of using sport psychology services to be admitting you have a problem and how others (peers) would view it, embarrassment. Other conclusions from this study were that high school athlete has a positive attitude about sport psychology and want to gain a better understanding of the field. It was noted, the focus group facilitator’s background in the field of sport psychology was shared in the group and may have influenced the participates positive attitude …show more content…

The study was conducted to test a new outreach model that required a partnership between counseling services and student-support services. The model was based on the development of sport psychology’ mental skills, namely relaxation, imagery, routines, self-talk, and concentration. Two different research method approaches, an anonymous Likert scale questionnaire, and qualitative interviews were used (Beauchemin, …show more content…

Substance Use & Misuse, written by Michael S. Bahrke (2012) examines the issue of drug use by athletes and intervention programs effectiveness. Bahrke (2012) clearly delineates the difficulties faced by doping athletes, the athletic organization, and the public. Sports organization depend on the athlete's performance and positive public perception to flourish. Therefore, it is not in the athlete best interest to admit or seek help with drug addiction because of most organizations’ policies regarding doping, most are in line with the WADA banning

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