
Interesting Stories And Why People Pursue Missions?

Decent Essays

In this explanatory/Information essay we will be learning about some interesting stories and why people pursue missions. The three stories that we are going to be focusing on is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, New Directions,and The King of Mazy May. On how they help change other people’s life or their own life on the actions that they take. To pursue their missions. Individuals are determined to pursue missions because they either want to make their life better or the people around them better. They can protect their family, To support his/her family, or to be helpful and truthful. According to the text Rikki-Tikki-Tavi it states “He saved our lives and Teddy’s life, she said to her husband. Just think, he saved all our lives.” According to the text New Directions “She wrapped them in newspaper which soaked up the grease,and offered them for a nickel each. Although business was slow, these few day’s Annie was determined.” According to the text The King of Mazy May it states “ And because of Walt master did that night, the men of the Yukon have become very proud of him, and always speak of him now as The King of Mazy May.” …show more content…

The Main ideas in these stories is to protect their family, to support his/her family, and on how they can be helpful to other and truthful. According to the text Rikki-Tikki-Tavi it states “ He saved our lives and Teddy’s life she said to her husband. Just think he saved all our lives”. According to the text New Directions it states ¨ In 1903 late Mrs. Annie Johnson of Arkansas found herself with two toddling sons and very little money¨ in other words relates to my thesis statement. According to the text The King of Mazy May it states “ And because of Walt master did that night, the men of the Yukon have become very proud of him, and always speak of him now as The King of Mazy

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