
International Court Of International Law Essay

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International courts, like all judicial courts, are seen as neutral parties to a dispute. International courts interpret international law and provide an avenue for states to settle their differences. In court, each state should have equal power. The court should not take into account how large or powerful a state is. Justice is supposed to be blind. However, in practice, state power does matter.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, is the paramount court of international law. Nevertheless, there appear to be power discrepancies within the ICJ. When looking at the structure and history of the ICJ, one can observe the advantages of major powers within the court. States look to the ICJ as an impartial arbitrator, but the ICJ seems to be significantly more partial than one may expect it to be. If major powers are favored in the court, weaker states will lose faith in the supreme judicial organ of global law. The ICJ serves a critical role in international law and thus it must fairly proceed in disputes brought forth by any member state. This is not the case and there is an imbalance of power in the ICJ system as major powers heavily influence the structure, decision-making, and compliance measures. Specifically, The United Nations Security Council has the utmost influence in the United Nations (UN) and thus has serious power inside the ICJ. The major powers can influence decisions in a variety of ways, such as through their constant

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